VOA’s Shelter from the Storm Society is composed of a special group of people dedicated to ensuring the future of our programs and services through a multi-year commitment of giving.
Mary and Bryan Akioka, Matt and Katie Anderson, Ana and Matthew Bankert, Scott Bechler, Alex Beitel*, Mike Belote*, Scott Benton and Jeremy Corless, Tres Benzley*, Melissa Blair Aliotti, Esq.*, Kenneth and Rosie Blomsterberg, Tina Bonilla, Lawrence Booth and Marjorie Heier Booth*, Renee and Jack Bosley, Bozzuto & Company Insurance Services*, Linda Burkholder*, Paul Bystrowski, Zoe Caldwell, Christine Canelo, Cindy Carano*, Swen and Janie Carlson*, James Chenoweth, Vince Chow, Mewa Choy, Daniel and Nancy Cole, Terri Cooper, Janet Cornelius and Nancy Voss*, Joann Coy, Juanita Daniel, Conrad Davis, Joshua Dethmers, Suzanne Dizon, Susan and Mark Doris, Arlynn and Jeff Dwyer, Cynthia and Brendan Egan, Mendy Elliott, Pearl Ellis*, Jeannine English and Howard Dickstein, Nathan Esch, Bret Fair, Carole Flemmer*, Fletcher Plumbing, Elfrena Foord and Bruce Hester, Peggy Forseth-Andrews, Jill Fox, Lesa Gall, Phil and Marlene Garcia, Tyler and Kate Garcia, Jacqui Garol, David Geddes, Anne Geraghty, Jo Anne Gonzalez, Diane Goulding, Mary Beth Govier*, Grace Church Reno, Mary Grandy, Steve and Kay Green*, Taylor Greer*, Amanda Gunn, Sherman and Rita Haggerty*, Dave Hanlon and Irene Dudley, Krystle Heslep, Himphill Electric, Christie Holderegger and John Leach*, Paul and Melinda Ioanidis*, Clifford Iubelt, Rey Jimenez, Daniel and Lynn Kim, Travis Kimball, Debbra King, John Kirsch, Ana Klein, Doug Kleinsmith*, Michelle Kloss, Terri Kolstrup, Pam Kranhold, Mike and Gina Langford, Susan and Nathan Lewis*, Lewis Kassis Foundation, Maureen Lloy, Katrina Loftin, Tom and Karen Lowe*, Liz Luttrell-Feder and David Feder, Joan Machlis-Crasemann, Jan Mackenzie and Wayne Clark, Jeff and Toni Marsalla, Melissa Marsh, Carole McCook, Patt and Thomas McCormick, Leo McFarland*, Judy McGarry*, Russ Miller, Martine Milton, Mark and Donna Morgan, Matthew and Sara Morrow, Debra Morrow-Boivin and John J. Boivin, Roman Mueller, Cheryl and Gerald Myers, Gail Ohanesian, John and Ellen O’Looney*, Jim and Mary Ann Olson*, John Orr*, Richard Pachter, Bonnie Paulson, Geoffrey Poulos*, Cristin and Alan Priest, Frank Radoslovich*, Jill Reid, Samantha Reveley, Rick and Kathie Reviglio*, Renay Rickman, Colin and Danielle Roe*, Roberta Rogers*, Clarke Rosa, Tricia Rosenbaum, Shauna and Gabe Ross, Sue Sadler, Gene and Radheka Savoy, Amani Sawires Rapaski and Steve Rapaski*, Jerome Schrader and Alise Keil, Kirk Schwenkler, Julie Scolari, Rick and Sandy Shaff*, Susan and Larry Sheridan, Valerie Sherman, Jason Sherr, David Spillers*, Stan and Beatrice Stancell*, Fred and Nancy Teichert, Caroline Thompson, Kathleen Thrasher-Melen, Tolles Development Company LLC, Hal and Ilah Turner*, USA Properties Fund, Ron Vrilakas, Jeanice Warden-Washington and Damon Washington, Ted and Elba White, J. Chase Whittemore, David and Korrin Wiest*, Scott Wong*, Linda Wood, Alex Woodley, Rick and Cindy Wylie*
*Shelter from the Storm Evergreen Members